Integrated Energy Therapy (IET)
Integrated Energy Therapy clears energy blockages and releases any suppressed pain. As we journey through life, the flow of energy can become restricted or limited, these restrictions are often referred to as energy blockages.
Some causes of energy blockages are physical trauma, surgery, disease, exhaustion, emotional crisis, suppressed feelings, stress, fear, self-limiting beliefs and thoughts. These blockages limit our joy and experience of life and can result in lack of spontaneity, energy depletion and low mood.
An IET session remove blocks in your energy field, cleanses and balance your chakras, giving you your vibrancy and spark back!
Benefits of IET:
- Clears, cleanses, balances and realigns energies to feel more clear, more vibrant, and more whole.
- Restore and refresh your body, mind and spirit. You will leave this treatment feeling lighter, freer, more open and connected with your Divine self!
- Release of all that is blocking or hindering you on your life path and purpose.
- Experience exponentially more inner peace — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, so you can enjoy a life of freedom, flow and fulfilment.
Is IET for YOU?
- Do you suffer from tiredness or exhaustion and sick of feeling frustrated?
- Are you indecisive and lack clarity of mind?
- Do you want a life of freedom, flow and fulfilment?
- Do you feel all over the shop and want to come into alignment?
If you answered YES to any of the above, IET may be for you.